[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

In that game you had a public vig that changed Marshal’s behaviour.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Marshal Arete, SirDerpsAlot, Eevee, Amelia, Solic, Hippolytus 6
Possessed Icibalus, Luxy 2
N.1 Emilia, Vulgard 2
Amelia Possessed, Jake, katze, Marshal, PoisonedSquid 5

Day ends in 7 minutes

Because right now, I can’t remember who’s voting who anymore

hot take

d1 marshal reads are bad

if he flips town i told you so

if he flips scum then ill admit i was wrong

I’ll take a check pls, maybe that’ll shut Ici up :man_shrugging:

the whole point of CFDs is that they’re last minute!

plus, his response to pressure was completely different there

there he responded to pressure by actually solving the game

here he spent a while spamming ‘[PEOPLE PUSHING ME] ARE WOLVES :joy_cat:’ and then vanishing

I’m sad, because the 4 votes in the middle I actually townread most, so both of these wagons feel slightly iffy.

he fucking posted a massive case on vulgard, and you can call that an OMGUS all you fucking want, but that’s content

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I scumread marshal at 4 am after waking up, it was a moment of clarity and I stand by it

I’m not a risk taker!

…… Part of me wants to shift to N, but my highest wolfread is on it and I doubt he’d be the type of guy to bus someone early on

That “case” was fucking awful.

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Shift to Possessed! He’s fucking obviously a wolf!

was it accurate? fuck no. did he make a fucking effort on it? yes

If you would actually read other players than Possessed you would see that. :man_shrugging:

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I tried. :cry:

solic, don’t be under the delusion that i’m a stubborn tunnel-y monster, and understand that I am CERTAIN of this