[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

italy locktown

im asking hosts if i can post the intense results

You’re modconfirmed duelist, yes. But not Town Duelist. You could be Neutral Duelist

Neutral Duelist.


I think their a team with marshal. I’m also willing to vote jake.

r u

r u high on drugs

see if you think im scum thats fine

but i dont get katze/marshal scumteam

you do realize duelist is a killer class
imagine an NK that has to risk their life to kill players


i intentionally just got myself killed

do any of y’all actually

think im scum

Well don’t rand scum with Marshal then :wolf:


so in what world am i scum who just did that

if i am not one of your evo point votes i will be disappointed
i’m a modconfirmed vig and i only get stronger with evo points

i already cast my first 3 votes

Who knows what abilties you guys have.

as fucking insane as marshal may be, he has a point
him throwing the duel is proof of town (which fucking sucks)


The main thread does

the both of us

italy has evolved

yeah cuz people always want to fuckign duel me

but the move was +EV

because it will actually allow for lynch discussion

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