[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

we staked our lives on a game of connect four

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but still

from a scum!Marshal PoV

if you’re choosing between ‘kill a townie, Marshal gets lynched’ and ‘kill Marshal, someone who might be either faction gets lynched’ I feel like the first one is pretty obviously better for scum!Marshal

Italy: hey what if i triggered marshal’s ToLFM PTSD

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Some people already have points and honestly, I know I need at least one point right now because things are going downhill

I’m fine with Italy getting a point, like I said before, but I need that other point to hopefully do something that’ll turn things around

I think we should agree on who gets the points and all vote them

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should get the points

italy yes

squid also probably yes

but katze yes :wink:

Why Squid


and if im picking up what she’s putting down i want points in her hands

You yanked my chance of getting a point >:(

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yes and imma do it again to assert dominance

If you die from your ability, then the points go to waste. Therefore, I should get a point since I’m less likely to die :thinking:

A vote for katze is a vote for freedom!

to be fair if i get a 2nd point i probably wouldnt have an ability that has a chance to kill me

but im honestly not discontent with this ability

being immortal at night was what won town mountainous 15er

I’m not taking chances

id imagine i become a bodyguard in 1 more ability

like a…


@Italy vote me

loads pistol

digs for cowboy hat