[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

I actually wasnt meant to resign

I thought that winners are hidden hence I tool efforr, but it was clarified to me that they are publoc after I submited it already.


Also my first idea was to draw catgirl, just giraffe version.


i love you


My first drawing was of an anime school giraffe girl

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you should do it anyway

It looks like by EoD his biggest suspects were Marshal/Poss/Jake/Amelia

if I assume Marshal doesn’t throw the game there as scum that points to Poss/Jake, Jake moreso than Poss because Ici is notably still breathing

the question is if I believe either of them would make a kill that implicates them, what I remember from the Cop13er is Jake intentionally killing people that suspected obvious clear townies rather than people who suspected him

given Luxy being Luxy it could plausibly also be an SPK

Solic/Luxy/eevee/Hippo/Ici are all Plausible SPK Targets if town and if scum was trying to avoid protectives it makes sense that they would ignore the people with points

Btw you are all ypung, learn to draw, learn to make music.

You will not regret learning either of those.

Even if you are not gonna be a pro, just take 2 weeks to learn basics like I did.

Like Im nowhere near good, I jist happen to know which tool gives which effect and I lack a load of practice.

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i’m great at music

This os actually work of a girl which convinced me to use pencils again (instead of digtal):



That’s a difference here.

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Anyway, drawing is important both for winning mafia games, hosting them (flavor!) or irl.

Like designing logo for some company/event, prepare design for webpage/own room furniture ect. Ect.

Many uses,basic skills required in everyday life, no need to be professional.

End of eevee rant

Eevee, ia there any particular reason why you, someone who (I presume) knows they are town, would give up the chance at earning yourself an Evo point?

Cause I want to live longer for once and hope scum kills people with EVO points :^)

Scum (apparently) doesn’t give 2 shits about people with points. Scum only cares about powerful people.

I mean, I’m torn, cause now I spent time drawing for nothing

theres been one nightkill so this is a brazen assumption

Scum are probably afraid because I told protectives to go for the bodyguard route to fucking obliterate scum if they pick the wrong person

From this NKA, I can only presume that either:

Luxy was right
Luxy was way too off.

If you want me to have a point, you can vote me to have a point, duh :^)