[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

dead air dead villager

like the massive wallposts I used to write or like something else

Whatever you prefer.


Squid or me for evo point, gimme your PoV.

@Solic same question

Never you. I have zero reason to townread you.


solic who are your townreads out of curiosity

I’m iffy on Squid’s EoD day 1, so I think I’ll just do myself + Emilia

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I’ll wait on Arete’s readlist before I answer that. :upside_down_face:

They haven’t deviated too much from my previous PoE post.

does aretes readlist dictate your overall reads, your read on arete, or none of the above?

Dictate is too strong of a word, but the second.

The first is kind of laughable, I’m no sheep.

if you had even hinted that the first one had a resemblance of truth i would have gotten the newspaper

you guys are dumbasses with these reactiontests

It’s so overdone at this point, everybody does this to people who replace in or who have been lurking/not paying attention, it’s expected and doesn’t work. :upside_down_face:

I know I promised to re-read people’s posts, but I don’t have the energy for that and don’t think I will. :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

vulgard you’re L+3 scum please slip

Yes. I’m a wolf.

lYncH mE

[insert selfvote and AtE]

wow I remember when I used to do these every game

anyways I know this is really long so if you don’t want to read 1,000 words of soundbites on everyone’s alignment I think the actually interesting part is at the bottom, below the linebreak.

Vul - my perfect soulread on Vul says he’s town, also a bunch of his posts have given me townie pings. I have literally never been wrong on Vul’s alignment outside of turbos, including the time when another townie claimed an untailorable redcheck on him. Everyone should sheep my Vul reads because I’m objectively better at reading him than anyone else on the site.

Italy - Thinking the duel on Marshal is a good look for him regardless of Marshal’s flip. Even if Marshal is town, it doesn’t make sense for scum to use killpower on someone that’s just going to get mislynched anyway.

Jake - Hot take, but Jake is probably town. The last few times I’ve played with scum!Jake (so, ToS FM, Candlelight, and the Cop 13er) he literally managed to get himself muted or suspended because of how toxic he was just because people were pressuring him. Here, he’s responded to pressure by actually playing the game and trying to solve. His interactions with Vulgard today were kind of ??? but I don’t actually think they’re wolfy, like, if we start from the perspective that Vul is town and Jake wants him to be the town leader because of the whole ‘Vul has bad reads’ meme but like, Jake’s one of the people Vul’s wolfreading IIRC, in W!Jake worlds Vul’s reads aren’t all that bad so this argument doesn’t hold.

Null/I’m confused
Derps - I hate trying to read Derps, I felt like we were mindmelding a lot yesterday which is a decent look for him but I’m honestly not seeing anything super AI here. If it gets into the lategame you can basically read him on the quality of his reads, he compulsively busses his teammates for no reason so the worse his reads have been come lategame the more likely it is he’s a villager.

kat - This is another slot I’m conflicted on, my gut is telling me he’s town but my brain is telling me that the whole ‘claiming Mafia’ schtick is literally what he did the last time he was Mafia and I miscleared him there.

N.1/Wazza - I wasn’t sure about lynching this slot yesterday because lurker lynches are super easy to push and get us nothing but when he still wasn’t doing anything today the slot dropped a lot given N’s tendency to be a useless slanker as scum (hence my vote). However, Wazza’s early posting was pretty decent and he didn’t have any issues with any of the reactiontests on his slot (like, I wouldn’t expect scum!Wazza to be like ‘yeah I’m totally a 1-shot PGO’ but I’d expect him to take some time to figure out if that was what his previous slot was claiming, here he was just like ‘no I’m not’) which is enough to bump this slot back up to null.

PoisonedSquid - This slot has been getting a townpass for reasons that looking at her Iso are frankly mystifying. Like, I skimmed her Iso and 90 percent of it is just talking about the evolution point, which is apparently super important to her role for unspecified reasons. I’m glad I went to the trouble of actually making a readlist because until now I’d basically been listening to the consensus here but the consensus makes no sense . Half her reads are just light shading that she barely follows up on!! why are people townreading her!!

Marshal - This slot was incredibly wolfy yesterday and I went into today kind of bitter that we didn’t manage to kill it yesterday like I was trying to after he spent basically the entire day openwolving. However, him intentionally losing the duel points to him being town – in worlds where him and Italy is TvS, I think W!Marshal would try to take Italy down with him even if it guaranteed his lynch, and in worlds where it would be SvS it would make more sense for him to at least pretend to try to win. which makes me sad because I really wanted to be right

wait fuck I sent that too soon, I was still copypasting from the word processor I was writing in
