[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

If marshal flips town then Late voters on EMU wagon are more likely to be town

If marshal flips scum then people on irrelevant wagons are more likely to be town

For others I would have to look induvidual voting

Yu-Gi-Oh fam

what will your read on me be depending on marshal’s flip :eyes:

Hippo is V
Tone screams villager to me from the very start of the game. He never sounds off.

Who exactly replaced in for Napoleon again?

dial-up noises

If marshal is town then null

If marshal is scum then town

i don’t think napoleon replaced out

oh wait no he did
it’s jake

Napoleon replaced out, said they need to invade rome or something.



rome wasn’t built in a day
but i was

Rome fell

the roman empire fell
rome specifically did not fall

rome’s one of those words
the more you say it, the less it sounds like an actual word

Rome rome rome rome rome rome rome rome

is this where i appear in emilia’s real life house like beetlejuice or something

Rome UwU

i will now file a restraining order
have a nice day

That’s a scary thought

Who do I pester for a name change?