[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Your argument relies on the fact that Wazza was perfectly capable of playing the game, which would require you to have OOG information regarding this.

yes I assume that by default when they join

unless they state otherwise

Well considering my day was:

Go sleep (12:30am).
Wake up (7:50am - Woke up late)
Go to school (8am - 3:20pm)
Get ready for the eye test (3:20pm - 3:30pm)
Go for an eye test (3:30pm - 5pm)
Come home from eye test (5pm - 5:15pm)

Just because someone is perfectly capable of playing at first doesn’t mean sudden events can occur to stop this

The N.1 wagon never really built. Its max capacity was 3, and Katze was the vote that took Amelia to 4 and put that wagon above N.1.

  1. I didn’t know who I was replacing.
  2. Even if I did, I wouldn’t have read anything anyway.


Wait, who was counterwagon day 1.


yes but I am not gonna assume those events will happen when we make reads we rely on probabilities

I joined:

  • Not expecting to be top wagon and could relax to go sleep and life and stuff before my slot got robbed.

Probably Marshal.

Going to assume I’m still top wagon with Emilia still talking about me.


Yeah, so I went incorrect basis for my discussion with you.

Now I finally see what you meant.

There was one point the only 4 wagons that existed were:


Well change that N.1 to N.2 and then you’ve fixed it.

it was 6/6 rand with marshal

Why did you change your name Wazza :clown_face:

Suggesting that I remember about stuff like that.