[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

No, they do good here with trying to convince people.

I don’t know if I want to give Italy a second point until I see Marshal’s flip.

tbh I am for italy/me now since Italys kills can be controlled

The point is, I can’t see you @Emilia becoming stronger role than 2-point invest / protective / killing.

Like sure… supports and universals might have own uses, the previous 3 are usually the backbone of each game.

And since if you are one of previous 3… then it still doesn’t answer my question why you and not someone else who claimed this role type.

I am not neither of roles you listed

I listed all 5 types I think?

I am secret 6th type

Yeah. I did.

Deception? :^)

I am but I cant tell what it is

d2 massclaim bad

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Yeah, I’m not gonna believe it, regardless if it’s fakeclaim or not.


You give a lot of empty sentences, whithout explanation in last few posts people.

I have strong role
and am obv town

okay “ici actually plays the game because his headaches have gone” time

“Secret 6th role type” was serious or not?


maybe not