[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

dOeS ThIs lOoK LiKe a fUcKiNg tRoLl eMiLiA



Squid wishes she can say she’s trolling, but she can’t

Drps :canned_food: nly :framed_picture:s


This is cancer

What happens if you break post rest?

i fUcKiNg dIe lMaOoO

It is, but this is what Squid has to do :confused:

Can ppl vote ici with me




I wasn’t even given option to get evo point …

sO WhAtS YoUr rEsTrIcTiOn jAkE?

aLsO WhY WoUlD I VoTe iCi

Fck vwls

/Vote Katze

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tHaTs nOt a pIcTuRe yOu iDiOt

Maybe because Emilia already has an Evo point?

He can only post consonants and emojis

…do we all have post restrictions today? Mine isn’t terrible but it feels like a personal shot :frowning:

Post limit restriction FeelsBadMan