[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

The logic side of my mind: He might be trying to signal something but having problems with it
The “italy” side of my mind: Fucking shoot him



cAn We JuSt StOp TaLkInG aBoUt EeVeE fOr NoW?

eevee is liking every post i’ve ever made on this thread

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Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Icibalus Emilia, Jake, eevee 3
Emilia Derps 1
eevee Arete 1
Arete Solic 1

WhY dOeS iCi HaVe 3 vOtEs???

/VoTe EeVeE


Lol i couldn’t find your username

Could you not shoot until I get back. I can spend my whole evening on this again but until that I have plans.

Also what were everyone’s private votes? I voted for Italy and Emilia. Did you end up getting pts? If not we can sniff out a liar there.

Also read EoD day 1. Arete also refused to swap to N there over Marshal even though wagons were tied or like 4/3. And then they attempt a CFD on eevee from N EoD day 2 as well.

They were also definitely not main driver of the N wagon. That was me and Emilia.

Note I didn’t read last 200 posts or so.

Well actually before that a bunch neither as well.

This wouldn’t hold to me if eevee is scum however, so I think 1 scum in either Arete or eevee. If that’s the case the N wagon is way less pure, because N was a doomed slot already.

I can see which world is more likely once I’m back. In like 10ish hours.

Ah, HeLlO sOlIc. No PoSt ReStRiCtIoN? oR iS iT jUsT nOt EvIdEnT

mY vOtEs WeRe FoR iTaLy AnD… i AcTuAlLy FoRgOt

UpOn ChEcKiNg It SeEmS mY sEcOnD vOtE wAs On MySeLf, WhIcH sUrPrIsEs EvEn Me

ItAlY gOt A pOiNt AnD i DoN’T kNoW wHo GoT tHe SeCoNd.



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ReAdInG aReTe GiVeS mE wEiRd ViBeS. iT’S mOsTlY tOwNy BuT tHeRe’s A bIt Of WoLfY aCtIoNs SpRiNkLeD bEhInD a ToWnY vIbE. sImIlAr To EeVeE tBh

I aLsO tHiNk Im ReAlLy BaD aT rEaDiNg ArEtE hIsToRiCaLlY, mUlTiPlE gAmEs WhErE wE wErE bOtH tOwN aNd I aTtEmPtEd To DeAtHtUnNeL tHeM

bUt I’M aLsO tRyInG tO nOt DoUbT mY oWn ReAdS aNyMoRe, WhIcH tOtAlLy ReSuLtEd In Me TuNnElInG aMeLiA oN d1 bUt We DoN’T tAlK aBoUt ThAt

What are implying?

Why aren’t you voting either of them then?

I wIlL sAy ThAt I tHiNk ArEtEs ReAcTiOn To ItAlYs FaKe ViG eArLiEr DiD nOt FeEl FaKeD aT aLl

WhIcH iS wHy Im A bIt MoRe CoMfOrTaBlE wItH tHeM tOdAy

WeLl, I jUsT sTaTeD wHy Im CoMfOrTaBlE wItH aReTe

AnD i Am VoTiNg EeVeE

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Oh it was right after, my bad.

Playing on mobile sucks, now cya again.