[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Squid has no reason to lie about that kind of crap! She rioted in her class card for a point, but the hosts never gave her one

Squid, I thought you got a point from the art contest, my bad.

Squid thinks her giraffe was more creative, but the hosts don’t know true art :’)

Who does Eevee think is scum out of the three he mentioned?

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Depends on Ici’s explanation for his lack of consistancy.

:wolf: :+1:

Sigh, Ici is not gonna answer any question it seems.
What do we think of Hippo?

Italy is off list due to 2 scum killings would be imba.
Tbh I should be as well, but that’s beyond a point.

Right. So, from the beginning of the game, it’s been fairly obvious that the thread is completely off. I would describe the way it is off as being twisted, tangled, like my pre-haircut hair. @solic noticed it, and marshal’s weirdness could not be enough to explain the inconistencies in the threadstate. Obviously, when a thread is off, you look at the highposters. There’s a wolf amongst the highposters this game, and not just somebody who posts a lot, but somebody who has a fair influence on the gamestate.

That puts our wolf somewhere amongst Marshal/Arete/Solic/Vulgard/Eevee (who, despite not posting as much, still had influence, particularly on D2). Vul and Marshal flipped v, Solic is fairly clearly a v due to initiating and maintaing the N.1 wagon for two days. This lead me to believe that there was at least one wolf amongst Arete/eevee. My initiall leaning was to presume it was Arete because they somewhat resembled DR mash Arete, but more importantly because I generally gave up when it came to reading eevee.

But when Arete started pushing eevee near EoD2, things started to come to a head. I was pretty much certain that it was v/w at that point, based pretty much entirely on gut. But it’s gut i’m pretty certain in, because the sheer coincidences and twisting of heads required for eevee and arete to be the same allignment are ludicrous.

Now, see, I’ve been nullreading eevee by default pretty much in every game I’m ever in with him. But I’ve picked up certain patterns from him, and it all came together pretty lucidly at EoD2. The fact that eevee’s mechanical game has been predominating over his village game is not neccecarily wolfy: i’ve heard him say in Team Somewhat Polish chats before that he prefers playing as a support player in the thread, acting as an advisor or an informant to players, allowing them to consider their reads more carefully. However, there were certain factors that I was aware of even with limited time that i simply could not articulate.

Essentially, eevee is being incongrous. He has spent the whole game talking like he knows everything that’s going on secretly, which is kind of… just what he does. But then I considered the actual impact of what eevee was doing with his posts, with his series of questions, and I identified it as being weird, even if I didn’t quite know the reason yet. My subconcious mind is both a genius reader and an absolute moron, after all, but I think he picked up what was going on pretty well. Let me give an example as an explanation:

Don’t labour under the misapprehension that I’m calling eevee a wolf because he used me as an example of a villager and that’s TMI™ and Flip-Flopping™. On that road, only madness lies. (Side note: I did consider claiming that anyway just to see how eevee responds to a plainly ludicrous argument like that, but I’m not taking any risks with how tense my position in the thread is). Seemingly, the discussion is a simple demonstration of eevee’s argument for why we should improve our protective roles. (Side Note 2: Poss’s response to this was pretty villagery, which is why I’m laying off him).

But it’s an incredibly poor idea to read eevee v for this kind of thing. He did a simmilar discussion as wolf in private to Derps, and likewise has done simmilar moves in village games. However, there is a VERY pertinent implication that makes me believe this series of posts is AI. At this point, eevee would probably expect me to pull out some horseshit like “Eevee assumed that the wolves couldn’t gain evo points through methods other than the public events and that’s TMI™”, but again, that’s not what I’m doing.

The implication is so incredibly simple that it barely needs mentioning. Every single action eevee has done whispers look at me i’m a villager . That’s right. I’m accusing eevee of subtle LAMIST. He was being so helpful in that series of posts, wasn’t he? Helping possessed learn the true meaning of docmas, and understand his mechanical arguments. But what was eevee arguing in the first place? Just a basic fact about protectives, about how weak investigative roles are bad. He spent many, many, posts, relatively speaking, on making sure that Poss knew, and for what? Something that is just self-evidently true.

It’s easy to misread people being helpful as people being villagery, but think what eevee is actually helping poss out with. A basic mechanical understanding that is not even directly related to the gamestate and is just a supposition. Yet, by eevee’s generally sarcastic and relatively subdued standards, he’s being almost sacharrine about it. It’s ridiculous.

Follow this thread through eevee’s whole play this game and you figure out fairly quickly what’s going on. He does nothing, but he is helpful in a strange and slightly arrogant way (I’m trying to not be rude here, but considering that I compared eevee to Doc Scratch yesterday I’m stuck with comparing him to an omniscient smartass), and that intimates villagereads. Now, we all know what eevee is going to imply. He’s using a non-american style of play, he’s assisting with the advancement of the gamestate apart from pushing people. Well, firstly, the Solic push is still structured in a way that makes that claim a bit tenuous, but I’ll drop that.

But look at the gamestate! 4 villagers to one wolf flip, and we still have very little clue what’s going on. We have a messy PoE, no real village core, and our only wolf flip told us basically nothoing .For tthe 7th highest poster, who has had conversations with pretty much every player, he isn’t doing very well at subtly influencing the gamestate. He’s just being extremely unimpressive.

Add this to my fairly firm assumption that him/Arete is v/w and an unbelievable amount of gut, I felt it was best to vote him ysterday. But at the last moment yesterday, eevee’s disposition totally changed. From the moment he started being pushed, he immediately brought up his solic push, which had pretty much run out of steam by that point, and was very Helpful™ in explaining it to me. He also started WIFOMing, self-metaing, and such, which is also yikes- particularly the suicide threat. But things got particularly bad with his final post, where, right before a wolf flip he loudly declared that the entire village were idiots, then his demeanour suddenly became an awful lot more agressive today.

For a wagon that only ever really had the support of 3 people at a serious level, eevee sure is feeling the pressure. This would seem to contradict my “mastermind” view of eevee in this game, but what has to be stated is that I don’t think this is eevee’s A-game. I think he’s relying on his slipperiness and general lack of discernable meta, and general reputation as nullread supreme to carry him through, and when he started getting pushed he resorted to a crude but effective method- uncharacteristic AtE and an OMGUS. That’s just my speculation, but it’s plausible enough that I believe it counters that argument.

The VCA says that eevee is suspicious. Eevee’s lack of definitively +EV actions is suspicious. Eevee’s sudden shift in tone is suspicious. Eevee is way too suspicious to be a villager, and while I wasn’t able to argue it so verbosely yesterday, I nonetheless recognised it internally. It simply made sense to me. And I hope that if you, the reader, somehow got this far, it makes sense to you too.

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I think it’s pretty much meaningless, and being able to confirm such an obviously strong PoE-creator with the amount of evo points available is far too strong to be from a villager.

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And by that, I mean it says that he’s not a villager despite being the counterwagon to a wolf lynch.

If I’m wrong, by the way, arete is basically lock wolf, but I dislike setting up chains of mislynches so I won’t fantasise about how fun killing Arete D4 is for solic/eevee’s amusement.


I don’t think Arete is wolf and you are setting it up as it is.

So what? It doesn’t matter if you do. If you flip v, my entire assumptions are flipped on their head and you’re a counterwagon to a wolf made by another wolf in attempt to save them. I sincerely doubt that, though.

Okay, that is better reasoning.

and before you say anything, yes, I did think all of this yesterday. i just didn’t articulate it very well, making vague references to Doc Scratch instead of really explaining what I’m thinking. besides, nobody wants to read my wallposts anyway.


Your discussions with people generally consist of you making prophetic or mediumatic messages such as “I will die before LyLo” or “Anybody targeting ici at night is a villager” and asking questions of them. I could explain this better if everybody here had read homestuck, because there’s a character in there who (if you removed his constant talking about being omniscient) would sound like that.

It’s more of an implication than constant declarations of how mysterious you are followed by :^) :^) :^)


You said that you could be resolved through delbierately losing the duel tommorrow.

Let’s carry on. Explain “Anybody targeting Ici at night is a villager” and where tf I actually said that too?