[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

What were you thinking when changing votes here?

Idk that was 6 days ago

Channel your memory

I’d said I’d disliked Marshall early on so that’s why I voted him. Cant remember why I was on posessed I’m p sure someone had a good argument why they were bad.

Tbh I havent really paid attention To ppl in thunderdome So it’s Also 1 of the reasons I dont want to lynch there

Might have been ici

Or arete or luxy

Someone p good anyway

Also go 1v1

I did I lost and have quarantined myself for a week cuz i dont wanna get my mum ill lol (its prolly just a cold but I dont wanna risk it lmao)

Also it’s a rlly good excuse to do fuck all for a week

F in chat pls

Wont you get your partner infected?

My partner went home cuz of quarantine.

Checked your ISO fast your main pushes were amelia And marshal Who were both town

Was Hippo in an area where the coronavirus is active?


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I’m claiming I’m good not actually good. Plus both were p bad. Plus I haven’t rlly paid attention or read much of thread. But yeah I guess that cld look bad.

Altho tbf I usually bus my teammates quite a lot as groupscum cuz distancing is the only thing I know how to do.

Meh kinda I’m in a big city with a lot of people who travel alot so I was just worried. Its prolly a cold tho.