[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

I’ll just vig Squid after I get the point :wink:

Note: not actually a killer here

3 people go in
2 come out

if i dont get the point i will post a picture of my cat

Oh Amelia is still null to me too, so I’d prefer someone else get a point.

So we don’t give it to kat :^)

okay everyone we’re not letting kat get the point


how many people actually expected a legitimate vibe check

jokes on all of you im gonna post the picture either way :^)

I will post my dog if I get the point :eyes:

I think I figured out how I want to play from this point forward, so that’s great.

dogs out

I just have to refuse to join games with Arete in them. Perfect solution to the soulread problem.


The issue is that Arete joins every game. :upside_down_face:

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But it’s a pug :frowning:

but then I don’t get to play with you

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Arete is inevitable like Thanos.

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I read Arete as Thanos now.