[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Hey everyone. I was asleep for like the first 1k posts of this day and then I had to focus on other games here but now I’m here. Let me know if you want anything.

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It’s been a while since I’ve played with some of you, like Solic, Luxy, and Hippo.
It’s cool to see you guys again, and a relief that you’re not gone.

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Have you had a chance to read up on the thread?

As usual, nope.
I’ll try to later tonight though.

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My strength in developing reads is still in interacting though rather than ISO’ing or self-metaing.
So please feel free to talk with me if you’re around.

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I’m around (and for the time being multitabling in slightly fewer games, one of the games I was in on another site had to be canned early due to a modbot error)

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you’re still in that hydra game with marshal right

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i mostly asked out loud because i skimmed the post and didn’t see anything relating to it so i wanted to double check to see if i was silly and missed something

yeah but that hasn’t started yet

the good news is that since we’re hydra partners we won’t be able to tunnel each other :^)


you two could use that for a change haha

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i will still selfvote

also rip MU marson

i was kinda stalking that game

thats debatable

pkriestess flashbacks

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in FoL 26 we just… townread each other the whole time

and if arete and i are town i find out sooner or later

usually before it’s too late

but i have not found that yet

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so arete is scum or… pending

im leaning this more

although vulgard is through and through the most obvious wolf

/vote vulgard

ToL FM vibes intensify

i thought i was the obvious wolf

also fuck i keep forgetting i promised a cat picture

you are slightly-less-obvious wolf

vul is just the most obvious