[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Like you call yourself the voice of reason and you have more posts than me, but I just remember you posting cat pictures a lot.

That’s cute.

Kat is in their scum meta of districating and posting useless fluff all the fucking time and having little contemnt


It’s funny how much that applied to you midgame

i consider myself the voice of reason at the moment because everybody is feral when it comes to marshal and im trying to understand his POV

still not giving me any reasons to vote me though

YEAH idgaf what i look like anymore

call me a hypocrite but it doesn’t change my point

Marshal is being Marshal, and also I’m the Usurper to Napoleon, which would make me…

I dunno

You not being memorable or productive, yet you are here all the time, is a reason to vote you.

Marshal/Katze/Jake team

So I’m not going to vote until I can get a better grip on this

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Arete Jake 1
Vulgard PoisonedSquid 1
Marshal Arete, Hippolytus 2
Solic eevee 1
SirDerpsAlot Possessed 1
Possessed Icibalus, Luxy 2
N.1 Emilia, Vulgard 2
katze SirDerpsAlot, Marshal, Solic 3

Why this shift again Amelia?

/vote Solic

all i needed to hear

your thoughts aren’t your own

next, @jakethewolfie do you have anything?

What did I, Notpoleon, do to be put on a team with Marshal?

Because I believe he is wolf more than others?

Get unlucky

Seems totally reasonable and not unbiased.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Arete Jake 1
Vulgard PoisonedSquid 1
Marshal Arete, Hippolytus 2
Solic eevee, katze 2
SirDerpsAlot Possessed 1
Possessed Icibalus, Luxy 2
N.1 Emilia, Vulgard 2
katze SirDerpsAlot, Marshal, Solic 3

Majority is 9, day ends in 23 hours.

My thoughts aren’t my own!!?

That’s fucking rich XD

u Quoque Fallacy

The “ tu quoque ,” Latin for “you too,” is also called the “appeal to hypocrisy” because it distracts from the argument by pointing out hypocrisy in the opponent. This tactic doesn’t solve the problem, or prove one’s point, because even hypocrites can tell the truth. Focusing on the other person’s hypocrisy is a diversionary tactic. In this way, using the tu quoque typically deflects criticism away from yourself by accusing the other person of the same problem or something comparable. If Jack says, “Maybe I committed a little adultery, but so did you Jason!” Jack is trying to diminish his responsibility or defend his actions by distributing blame to other people. But no one else’s guilt excuses his own guilt. No matter who else is guilty, Jack is still an adulterer.

The tu quoque fallacy is an attempt to divert blame, but it really only distracts from the initial problem. To be clear, however, it isn’t a fallacy to simply point out hypocrisy where it occurs. For example, Jack may say, “yes, I committed adultery. Jill committed adultery. Lots of us did, but I’m still responsible for my mistakes.” In this example, Jack isn’t defending himself or excusing his behavior. He’s admitting his part within a larger problem. The hypocrisy claim becomes a tu quoque fallacy only when the arguer uses some (apparent) hypocrisy to neutralize criticism and distract from the issue.

literally everyone read this please