[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

solic broarden your horizons
vote for poss because he’s obviously a wolf



Told ya

Why haven’t you cast a vote?

a bit like solemn strike

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Marshal Arete, SirDerpsAlot, Eevee 3
Possessed Icibalus, Luxy 2
N.1 Emilia, Solic, Vulgard 3
Amelia Hippolytus, Possessed, Jake, katze, Marshal, PoisonedSquid 6

Day ends in 20 minutes

Was just about to

/Vote Marshal

This would give us more info than an N lynch, as has been stated before by you guys.


Would you join me on N?

How would you describe his behavior that he was displaying beforehand?

round 3 eevee

amelia vote for possesed. its a way better choice than marshal.

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fuck you play the game. it’s EoD. if you aren’t here when you’re online you’re basically throwing regardless of allignment.

Marshal exists so no


Would you vote N?

Arete, could you please join me in voting Possesed?

Can we take a bigger look at Eevee/Italy tommorow?

No fuck off im voting marshal

Okay that’s cool, but at this rate Amelia is getting lynched and not them.

see response to Solic

Why are we letting marshal live