[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Okay bye kay


Day has ended, stop talking.


Marshal has been flipflopping like crazy “GAMESOLVING”, while just spamming over and over that the same 3 are apparently scum, while 5 players hadn’t posted yet.


Final Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Marshal Arete, SirDerpsAlot, Eevee, Amelia, Solic, Hippolytus 6
Possessed Luxy 1
N.1 Vulgard 1
Amelia Possessed, katze, Marshal, PoisonedSquid, Emilia, Jake 6
Ici unvoted before you called time


I unvoted.

Oh it was before when I last looked, sorry


Rand time



Yo yo yo stop talk


A cold chill sweeps the air…

The group grew more desperate, it becoming obvious they would not get out soon

As the hours ticked by, they became more, and more paranoid.

It was only a matter of time.

Arguments sparked between individuals, and soon everyone was arguing.

Some swore that they could hear soft laughter coming from a distance.

After about 48 hours of staying in the dank place, Amelia starts coughing and choking.

She convulses on the ground, and it’s evident she’s dead.

Amelia was...

Town Universal

Most people call you a jack of all trades. You can pick up any skill pretty fast. You’ve found interests in many hobbies over the years, but now…

Roles available to you via Evolution can be just about anything. They are random, the only thing guaranteed is that you will get a selection of first tier roles when you get your first evolve point, and second tier when you get two.

You are currently a Vanilla Townie , however, can evolve to gain a role as you earn Evolve Points

You are a member of the Town, and will win when all members of the Mafia are dead. Good luck!

@Marshal, @Solic, @Italy, @Emilia, and @katze glow a sickly green.

Before Night 1 ends, you can send me in your role PM a picture of a giraffe. This can be made on paper or in MS Paint or whatever, I don’t care, as long as its art. No, you cannot just send me a picture of a giraffe. It will be judged in the following categories: Meme Potential, Creativity, and Realistic. The art pieces will be judged by an unbiased panel. There will be one winner per category, and each winner will get an evolve point. The art will be judged during Day 2, and the winners will be announced when Night 2 starts. It is not required to submit a piece of art. Good luck. (Everyone can participate.)

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Day 2 will start 2020-03-10T19:00:00Z

Day start has been delayed to 2020-03-10T21:00:00Z

Processing actions.


Everyone seemed distrustful and distant.

Amelia’s death haunted them.

The group slowly woke after a short period of rest and went about their business.

They seemed more distressed than normal.

Could they die like she had? Suddenly, without warning?

They didn’t know.

An argument started across the room.

“The fuck is wrong with him?”

“Don’t know, don’t know.”

Everyone seemed to be gathered around a body.

Upon closer examination people could see it was Luxy.

He was still lying on the ground. A check of his pulse could confirm he was dead.

@Luxy has died! He was

Town Universal

Most people call you a jack of all trades. You can pick up any skill pretty fast. You’ve found interests in many hobbies over the years, but now…

Roles available to you via Evolution can be just about anything. They are random, the only thing guaranteed is that you will get a selection of first tier roles when you get your first evolve point, and second tier when you get two.

You are currently a Vanilla Townie , however, can evolve to gain a role as you earn Evolve Points

You are a member of the Town, and will win when all members of the Mafia are dead. Good luck!

At least he suffered less than Amelia had…

During Day 2, each player can vote for two people to receive an evolve point, privately in their PMs. These two people will not be announced and will receive their point during Night 2. You cannot change your votes once they have been cast. You can vote for yourself. The top two players with the most votes receive an evolve point. You cannot use both of your votes for the same person. Good luck!

Day 2 has started and will end 2020-03-12T19:00:00Z

Snatches D2 1st post