[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

/evolve @sulit @Geyde

/evolve @sulit @Geyde


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**/evolve @sulit @Geyde

/evolve @sulit @Geyde

somethign more

Why are you assuming it’s a bad reactiontest as opposed to a slip?



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Did it wrong anyway :upside_down_face:

:wink: Dutch internet baby

Fuck u

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/EVOLVE @sulit @Geyde:^)

I set an alarm and everything

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Okay first of all.


How tf you know you are mech confirmable.
I know only my category for example.

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Wagon me eevee, do it. :smile:

solic i will check your vibe i swear

No one knows if they’re mech confirmable

kill solic

/vote solic

What does that even mean? :thinking: