[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

Leaving dead chat so yeah, goodbye! (I mean I gotta find how first)

@Italy dont know if u care, but beowolf shows up in this chapter of the stream i sent. He needs 10,000 gold to recruit. we will see if mekkah recruit him or not

I want to say that I am sorry you got lynched EVO. You were scummy when I went to bed, but if I had stayed on I would have likely TR you

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I still think Leafia/Vader/Apprentice can be wolves

Tbh I am certain that wolves pushed for my death

90% of them even said I flip town, but voted me anyway

I figured something like that was happening

i just realized that in some fire emblem games time travel fuckery is a thing that lets you deal with characters dying or something if i remember correctly
it’s gonna be a real gamer moment if this is a real mechanic

if i was
would i get my vest back

Theoretically idk. I would have to check the wording tomorrow. I’m gonna sleep.

That’s in the two most recent games. Otherwise u gotta reset to save everyone

let me live damn it

damn it let me live

We instead spent an hour editing unholy abominations

when you accidentally double post because of the sheer shittiness of your internet and don’t even see your own post so you think the forums fucked up and have to completely reword your post

I hate to say it chief but deleting potentially game relevant posts is illegal

it’s not even game relevant reeee

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be honest you just know the scum faction is irreversibly fucked if town gets a mechconfirmed bulletproof infinite use rolestoppempowerer who bends the laws of reality itself just to spite scum