[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

he apparently thought you were a godfather

and still decided to hardpush me over the player who claimed a godfather-bypassing greencheck


Chloe literally claimed the exact replica of the ability I claimed in NUF

@SirDerpsAlot @Marshal @Arete Time for some spicy PvP Rants.


Do you want to know what
I didn’t kill my team as a Lone Wolf therefore I win

arete was right

derps… i’ll roast you later but your play was ???

lost wolves are NOT lone wolves
Huge difference

Anyways Marshal I’m going to wait until the game ends to assign you your new PFP and title (for integrity reasons)

I know I wrote that wrong.

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I am going to be very disappointed if this quickhammer relies on eevee being neutral

my very-earlygame reads were on point and continually got worse and worse

classic marshal


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Vul probably bleeds out tonight because lolbusdriver

someone gets factionaled

someone gets anticlaimed (?)

we’re at 8v4 now, that would put us at 5v4 tomorrow with the wolves ~outed (barring some interpretations of Chloe/TBE)

what number of people do ITAs go away at

ITA’s are online until F7.

I feel really bad for BlueElixir
He trusted PKR and got screwed for it

so it’s uh

gonna come down to ITAs basically


Shame I gave my charm to Seth. Though I suppose it did allow him to last quite a long time.

so in that case it’s going to be somewhat dependent on RNG/who’s online at SoD

this is assuming none of the living town have KP