[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

but I get it- it’s very flavourful, because in the actual game, Sigurd and the rest of his army dies to that Meteor in FE4

flavour is 10/10 in this game
i would still say there are design flaws

It was my way of making a mason cop and later a mason vig with a counter essentially. It also helped that one of the masons had renewel and miracle

but overall this was a fun mash

I’m gonna be pissed at light

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thank ya, I hoped yall had plenty fun. It was a pain to create as it was a lot, and god damn some of the itas are hard to calculate

oh yeah i was a godawful vig
i know when i’m being villagery

Wait until you see the arena clusterfucks post game
You will shit

The wolves were legit outed

And he didn’t vig the person I pushed on all day because they were obv fake like the entire game was saying one of the pairs was fake

what the hell happened in those

its not even that you were villagery

it’s that you weren’t in the 4-person pool of OUTTED WOLVES


i’m in the mood to design a mash
but idk what to base it on

We randed opponents / byes
Then it was a supremely complex process of 1v1 single elim matches
Some of which was uber hilarious

Reinhardt v Arden and TBE versus anyone is probably the funniest shit, I can talk more post game.

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I’m mad PKR survived our ITSs

oh, I was Arden
i’m glad that I unknowingly caused funny shit to happen

Im thinking of hosting a mountainous ITA game

probably with wild west flavor and probably cohosted with italy

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Oh god that sounds interesting to say the least

honestly sounds hella fun

I still think I played decent this game