[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

the worst part was the wording

not only was astra so poorly worded that i didnā€™t even know it could kill me until it fucking did
my death immunity was specifically worded so that itā€™s not ā€œa short durationā€
you know how if one shot death immunity trips, it lasts the entire night?
thatā€™s not what happened here

am i the only one here thatā€™s glad that they died
because d3 wouldā€™ve been a massive dumpster fire for me

and eeveeā€™s absolutely terrible fake claim

thereā€™s no way theyā€™re a neutral

I unfortunately think Eevee is V.


Yes you are alone, I would have preferred to get to actually play the game, as I love FE.


i know he is
but his FPSing just got an insanely powerful town killed before they could even become town

you see
i like playing games too
when i donā€™t have impending doom in the form of APLAC looming on top of me

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Yeah, Iā€™m assuming that is a form of standardized testing?

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ita specialist one shot death immune/ita immune rolestopper empowering bodyguard who gives gold to their defend target instead of their killer who can self confirm via messages which can be used in both day/night phases that let you donate gold

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and they shot me out of their fucking paranoia because ā€œif neuts can be fake, then ALL neuts must be fakeā€

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i could very well be the most powerful class in the game with my ability to completely fuck over the enemy faction combined with ita specialist and sElF rEsOlViNG

not to mention that i could enchant my sword with crazy buffs like weaponbreaker and magicbreaker because i could just grab money so long as they consented

Yeah, AP English Language
Lo and behold and watch a STEM guy fail an english test

hi fk

imagine that
a legendary sword that has advantage on 100% of ITAs (minus stave i guess) and makes you ITA immune once

so 100% ITA hits?
so a dayvig?

basically raises all my ita chances by 5%

and since i get a 10 speed boost
i shoot someone twice
and get a chance to fire ANOTHER ita in the same day so i can shoot them FOUR times
coming down to a fucking 80% chance of death