[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

well I wasn’t even in a neighborhood with chloe. That was FPS.

she flavorcopped me n1 (and softed it to me) however. That was her 100% greencheck

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They better fucking ITA eevee

that’s all i fucking fought for for a lot of d2

assuming Marshal isn’t scum and trolling, the two of us both being dead means either scum has 2 KPN (possibly anticlaim on me since Ginger trueclaimed?) or that some vigilante out there somewhere is not very good at the game


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yes ik that

which is why I told her she needed to resolve more

and she said she’d do it by d2 and out everythinh



RIP italy

Im reeeee’ing that he was killed

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Italy shot was fine

he was PoE and his role could be a wolf role

I said why it wasn’t :unamused:

but whatever

not that pissed about money loss because i died anyways

Light/Derps’s Mason claim is probably real

would explain the N0 thing Derps was claiming


I looked @ derps’s iso and it came early

but I really fucking wanted to see eevee’s flip (pre-gen2 tbh) to see if they are legit

highkey think eevee could be an FPSing villa

highkey don’t

what villager gives frame randomly as an ability?

he used his thing for agenda hard

used it for a shot on italy and why he shouldn’t be shot and then tried to take no blame

so one of my theories on what was going on with eevee (that obviously I didn’t say) was that he was some sort of message sender, and that he sent Derps a message with something along the lines of ‘you’re in an auction, you can buy a frame’ as a reactiontest

mildly curious why the wolves shot me, I didn’t feel like I had a particularly good grasp on the game

I still think the auction is entirely BS.

Does not seem like something that would be in FE, doing “secret auction”, etc. etc.

and the fact that nobody even bidded on the fucking thing.

like I was townread but

you were arete

and you were obvious town

easy enough.

I’m more suprised about why wolves killed me :man_shrugging:

ig because i was greenchecked

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