[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

which is why I think I said he wasn’t allowed to message you

or eevee

I told him to go for leafia

if i entered arena and won i would have survived TBE’s shot (unless dat is a fukin nerd)

how is literally everyone so scummy

I don’t know, I asked myself the same question

chloe is obviously fake
zone is doing something
there’s so many scummy people i can’t process how derps/light/eevee can all be scum at once anymore

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I don’t particularly hate leafia ngl

people say that slot is scummy but I don’t even think it’s been that wolfy.

PKR is villagery as shit
so is Crich
And ici
And hippo
And vul

Zone is greenchecked/likely green from 2 people on that list

Which leaves TBE/chloe/eevee/sda/light

and TBE has done a few villagery things (and we’d get another lynch if he is in fact lynched)

half of what that slot has done is:

  • OMGUSing people for voting her
  • ‘if [player] flips town, we need to kill [obvious villager] next for pushing them’

and unlike derps/oB leaf/app are actually… acting like masons.

arete you’ve met countless zone/derps/seth/braixen/dybudabu-esque players

That itself is not immediately scum-AI

Leafia had a few villagery things going for them and from what i’ve heard acts like that always

Leafia’s tone is absolutely brilliant
I love the way she talks

this one is often scum-AI because it can be used to chain mislynches

yes but you gotta look at the motivation

Leaf is a lot like dybu and braix

constantly shifting reads and preflipping

not immediately scum AI. You have to look at the motivaiton.

That’s how one discovers the alignment of said players. The Fm “outsiders”.

and leaf focusing on vader immediately (at least at first) is townie to me

that kind of isolation at the start is town AI. People who don’t have a scumchat instead might turn to the only thing/person they know

and leaf’s fixation on the ppl she knows fits in with that.

Why do people feel like a counterwagon is always required

its more fun

and gives wagonomics™

if a villager is lynched and nobody opposes it and there’s no cw

then congradulations

you are minus a v slot and no closed to solving the game

In a 9v4 situation where people are mechanically paired I wouldn’t be imposing a counterwagon

scumslip scumslip scumslip

kyo revealed they have 4 teammates pog

I will neither confirm nor deny that I am aware of that information and I will neither confirm nor deny that information should I be aware of it

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