[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

And we are winning

summary of what i did this game
took some gold

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both the ITAs you fired were at wolves, so ā€¦ could be worse?

your push on me was hot garbage

pushing on me > chloe was fucking trash

even if you think we are both scum you still go for chloe first

although I will say iā€™m more upset at oB

if there was less mason dissonance then I suspect there is you might have done better

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but also, hardpushing your greencheck is pretty ???

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i get not wanting to mech solve

but also

your primary reason for suspecting me was mech

so like ???

One bad push doesnā€™t discredit rest of game

As soon as you flipped town I pushed leaf

yes but in general it isā€¦ not good

iā€™d give you a 4.5/10

the way you handled the rest of the game was like a 6/10, but your handling of my slot was like a -3/10

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I played poorly

iā€™d give myself a 3.5 or 4

but I think you played less-than-stellar as well

italy thinks you made perfect plays d1-d2 :^)



I am very thankful I was not Town because my reads would the definition of horrendous

So basically.

A) Town relied on mech-solving and this allowed several wolves to skate to endgame without bothering to even play the game properly.

B) Instead of killing the agreed PoE people just kept going at their own pet reads and this resulted in several dead villagers.

C) People didnā€™t bother backreading dead villagers.

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if italy lived iā€™d bump up my rating

should have fought harder against the shot

but my play with italy was well done IMO

Like, why did you even clear Chloe over that shit?

I didnā€™t clear chloe REEEEEEEEE

she said she could be 100% mech clear today

and so like

im not gonna shoot that

chloe was actively against giving me money
which is the exact opposite of what scum would do

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to be fair we did basically okay on that front, like, if you compare the ITA chart against the consensus PoE it mostly lined up

just, the PoE was unusually wolf-light because of Point A

the only reason I did the FPS with her was that if she was town she was highly open to being anticlaimed and I wanted to muddy that

i didnā€™t clear her

but wasnā€™t gonna blast her

point A is because the ultimate mechsolver died to paranoia :upside_down_face: