[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

Love Letter (Night): Can send an anonymous 1000 character message to another player through the host at night (infinite uses)

this, I assume

eevee only ever actually hit 1 person a night




Why TBH quickhammers with scum

Why Light vig Ici.



I don’t fucking know

once again, eevee was the only decent villager

town had like 2 really close to clutch moments

and then lolvillaged them both away


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I still think I was decent read wise

Even I managed to fit ITAs inside quickhammer attempt and fit ITAs at SoD hopping for something. Anything.

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Unfortunately scum used an ability on you last night that set your ITA chance to zero.

I was asking yesterday to shoot inside PKR/Chloe/Icibalus/Apprentice

I feel good enough.

That should be still 5% due to bonus from effectivness :^)

I scumread pretty much the entire scumteam

you lolvillage read your green peek w for seemingly no reason

Dat has final say on that, idk what he did.

Yes I had one bad push but other than that my reads were good

the mason claim did not count as a reason btw

That was in fact a reason


Dat spreading the shoot / result means it hit.

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…Did Eevee FPS being a neutral Mercenary with an auction skill, when he actually faked an auction using his PMing ability and that’s why he’s been townsiding this whole game?

Holy shit.

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Better plan than Marshal fps imo
