[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

I’m gonna be honest.
The fact I was townread in here until the quick-hammer actually means a lot to me.
600-ish posts and I was town in here.

I don’t think I’ve ever had such a good scum game but, I decided to make moves I almost never before would decide to do. I hope this means that now people can expect better moves from me as scum instead of thinking I was auto town.

Did it make me happy to be so towncored? Yes.
Did it make me sad at the same time? Yes because it was like y’all were thinking I wasn’t good enough to do it as scum or something lol.

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Like thank you all, seriously, thank you. But also fuck you and ily (No offence with the F bomb)

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some of these posts were directed at me so I figured Id repond


that coulda actually been useful with my passive

sorry Italy

so my brain is so large

that when eevee mentioned parity

I knee-jerked

2+2 isn’t easy

I made a mistake after you shooting App then saying that we lost

i’m not angry
just disappointed

Oooooooooo…I’m a ghost Leafeon. It was very interesting reading through all this too.

My plan was after I avoided eevee’s shots to openwolf and kill you.
I was like, 100% sure you were Town.

Meanwhile, in a far far away land called KyoDaz’s classcard:

kyo you said i was ignoring my own advice and trusting that eevee was neut

i had
99% certainty that he was not a neut >:(

also firing into his 0% chance machine gun to get charge shots back was MMMMMMM

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It was quite nice being carried
I did
Literally, the only thing I did was coincidences with my mech actions

However now people won’t let me get away with doing nothing
So now I’m actually going to have to fakesolve if I’m scum

i wouldnt say anybody carried. this game was kinda a clusterfuck of really bad plays somehow becoming good plays while also simultaneously being absolutely dogshit

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Play during this game was very poor I agree

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mashes are always total chaos and everyone knows this
especially when flavor is prioritized over balance :eyes:


italy do you hate me for refusing to give you any money. that would be true regardless of alignment

only because you shot eevee instead of tbe

i shot tbe

then no

I mean

i shot the shit out of eevee TODAY

but i did shoot TBE the day before this one iirc?

i don’t see why you wouldn’t want a super powerful framer on your team