[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

basically raises all my ita chances by 5%

and since i get a 10 speed boost
i shoot someone twice
and get a chance to fire ANOTHER ita in the same day so i can shoot them FOUR times
coming down to a fucking 80% chance of death

i can read

advantage means you have a 20% chance over 15%
and everyone shooting you only has 10%

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tl;dr i could have become god

This irks me a lot, tbh.

It’s not that EVO had less meta but because he has proven that he has a broader wolfrange than much much of the people described.

EG’s simply cannot replicate his tone as W, so he was cleared by me.

Italy doesn’t really try D1 so not doing anything is =rand for him.

Kyo on the other hand was extremely villagery with his whole BS argument regarding semantics, and I’ve seen nothing from EVO that indicated a V AI from him.

It’s why I can dunk two wolves, hyperpost in the thread with extremely detailed and dynamic reads and form a solid towncore, and most people here still won’t 100% clear me without a green check as they know I have an insanely broad wolfrange.

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i mean
it’s only 20%

imagine if every single fucking person had a 100% ITA chance

i was intentionally looking worse to see who could figure it out
i was disappointed that not a single person even briefly considered 3p

most importantly

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geyde was FIRED AS A REVIEWER because of the lying darkness
there will NEVER be a return
and there will NEVER be a similar class

am i allowed to ask what lying darkness was

instantly won the game if half the game claimed any part of their classcard

could trigger while dead

even people who already won lost if it triggered

so a broken anticlaim

basically, the most insanely overpowered neutral killer in existence
and the first day 1 win
the fastest non-turbo game

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Like, it’s why everyone TR’d DybuDabu for making those nonsensical plays in Hell in a Cell like non-stop rolefishing or just tunneling into Derps 24/7.

However, if I did it then nobody would TR me for it as they know that I can easily do that regardless of alignment.

and there will NEVER, EVER be a return
so people need to stop being so paranoid about lying darkness-esque classes

town just lost what was almost guaranteed to be the most powerful town role in the game

an ita specialist who rolestoppempowered and bent the fucking rules themselves so that their target would get their gold if they died?