[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

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Probably going to try solving the game from the dead ala Geyde in NDFM.

Leaf/Chloe needs to self-resolve.

Italy/Mode/App are basically immediate PoE.

Leaf V puts Vader/Cloned on the PoE.

Kyo and Vulgard are basically the more unsecure parts of my towncore rn.

Kyo for basically going full-on mech and Vulgard for his thread presence.

Like, I’m pretty sure that my reads were right tbh.

If I get NK’d despite tunneling onto another V and mislynching them, and softing VT then the wolves did it for a very good reason.

…why the fuck does he even need to check Seth?

You don’t cop CWs.

…neighbourizers are not fucking self-resolving.


Stop using night actions as evidence that you’re town.



The PoE is basically going full bus mode on Seth.

Frankly I’m not liking Eevee much rn. He’s basically had a ridicolously narrow outlook of the game so far.

Also I’m p sure the setup is 18V 5W 1 3p.

W are probs Seth/Italy/App/Leaf or Cheese/TBE.

Also Marshal/Chole needs to be NK’d early. If they’re still alive D4 then they’re probably wolves going for a ballsy mason-ish fakeclaim.

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…what is Italy doing.

Like, if you’re V then you should never be playing in a wolfy manner.

So Italy’s the 3p.

I still wouldn’t just give him this much gold willy-nilly after Rokugan, tbh.

Lol, App’s post is bullshit.

App/Leafia are deep in my PoE and App needs to be flipped immediately.

Mode/App/Leafia+ 2 more groupscum.

Italy as 3p.

TBE and… maybe a player I miscleared earlier?


Basically all players I want dead atp in time.

Like, they need to STFU regarding mech.

It’s completely causing reads to be set aside.

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