[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Who’d he replace

/vote Centuries

If I don’t ITA you Today, expect to die Tonight.

there’s just no winning

I see

I missed that

I didnt read looming threat minus the prince shenanigans

Im not capable of that kinda shit is you think im FPSing

And Marshal would never be this buddying if i were his scumbud

That would be a house of cards
If one of us dies the other would die

Thats dumb

Eevee softclaiming neutral there. Not sure how to do quotes. He became confirmed scum once the day was over due to how EVO flipped. If you were townie that was paying attention, you wouldn’t even be asking all these questions.

Oh. Right. @DatBird

i still can’t figure out why centuries wants me dead
it’s quite odd

Pkr is just sheeping me let’s be real :wink:

do it

you wont

  1. You’re literally beyond scummy.
  2. How TF is it clear whatsoever?

hI tHeRE

I literally have had Kyo as my lowest read for ages.
Don’t even try this.
I’m not in the mood with you.

i’m a confirmed message sender at the very least
and if anyone doubts that tonight i will send the ultimate message

Italy how much gold do u need to become town?

I cannot vote
My role is clear as day, lmfao
My role is never assigned to mafia either
And if you think I’m lying about not being able to vote why would I remove one of the most powerful tools scum has

You are an insufferable fool.

/ITA Centuries
@DatBird, @N.1, @Geyde


we live in a society where people would rather sr the active playerbase whose all making good posts than the inactive low post scum

bottom text


i currently have 1600