[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Well too bad for you. I am town.
Do you wanna fight me as well?

2 shots have been fired…

Both Miss!

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i’m 90% sure i become an infinite use rolestopper if i side town
buy me, i’m better than any item

Eevees town and kyos scum.

fortnite dancing on your failure

for the record the Zone meta clear doesn’t work anymore, he did his town meta thing in our champs practice game as scum

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i’ve decided that buying italy is more important than items

so he gets my money

IMO they weren’t confirmed scum.
But fairly likely due to a fairly pure wagon (Led by Towncore (Me, Alice and a couple others. I cannot remember off top of my head)) and the other one flipping town.

But I said I’d resolve the slot so i did.

Hippo is trying to be DybuDabu with his tracker claim but ironically it’s the complete opposite

Uh-huh. Yeah, right. …so what?
You guys are the weird ones who hyped the hell out of ITAs when it is just another mechanic for town to kill themselves faster.

if you’re not paying because you think i’m not helpful enough
just pay because i’m too dangerous as scum :eyes:

I’m willing to give 100% of my money if Italy joins town

why are we trusting a neut in a closed setup


because why would you ever lie in a social deduction game

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Literally this.

Like i hate to be devils advocate but did we learn nothing from Lying Darkness?

If u promise me I wont be scum night killed tonight I’ll stop pushing u.

This deal is void if u town so u may aswel make it.


If I thought for a second it was true, I’d give things up for Italy to join town.
But I really just don’t believe it.
I mean it doesn’t even make sense in the context of FE as any character… I think.

since it doesn’t state it in op
i also have mechanical info that scum has a factional :eyes: