[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

i think it was a discord chat

I agree. Hippo has seemed similar to their NUF gameplay for the relatively fewer posts so far, and I only want to see more activity out of their slot.

was a link ever posted?

I might search 4 it

wasn’t hippo’s goal the exact opposite
he just wanted to relax

It was I’m pretty sures

I can grab it rq

I don’t really know, but I assume so.

Oh nvm you found it

/vote Modeshifter.

I want to hear his defense.

Hi Leafia. I’m thinking Seth is town at this point.

I think so too, but I still want to hear his defense.

big storm here lotsa power outtages

if I dissapear that’s why

Woah am I caught up!!!


I cant think of icebreakers

I like to think I did a good job of it before

but my mind is turning up blank

Can I nab that one Arete did then Marshal took?

eh why not

what is everybody’s most recent game and what did they learn from it? ill go first

My most recent game was ToS 2, where I learned that playing more doesn’t mean im playing right but that people do more when prompted.

Welcome back Darth_Vader.

2173 posts in isn’t the time for RQS

well it didn’t happen earlier

and I want to poke chat to do something rn because I can do things rn

if you wanna make content form a towncore or like do a FPS or some shit

if you want others to make content the easiest thing to do is ping them with game-relevant questions

RQS(Random questions stage) is best for games without d1 lynches (like FoL)

RVS(Random vote stage) is better tho
and we are past either of those

so like ayaya


…feel like that hasn’t really been good for town, at least the times ive seen it

Tried thinking of one, oB rephrased it, got like 1 answer. I’m not great at coming up with these.

chat’s dead while im alive. trying to help it awaken is the best thing I can think of to do right now

Well I hope you’re still able to play Marshal.