[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

ping ppl or some shit then

make them answer

thread might just be kinda slow but it looks like there is a good enough amnt of ppl here that you could get some questions answered

…yeah, I think Seth’s a villager now.


Something feels off, tbh.

This means that the PoE only now has 7 people. I don’t think it’s likely that all of the wolves are in TBE/Centuries/Darth/Hippo/Italy/EVO/Cloned.

I think the scum might be the ones talking the least honestly.

expandus the PoE

rn my poe is 17 ppl

I don’t think EVO has posted once so far today. Correct?

Like, I am confident on my reads, but I don’t think I’d ever be able to reduce the PoE to this size d1 in a 24p match.


he liked my post where I said that the chart looked like tits but otherwise i’ve seen nothing from him

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so @EVO

if ur here

talk to us buddy

EVO showed this same behavior in ToS 2 when he was Coven. It makes me wonder if he is a wolf in this game too.

I’m basically just forming a village core of players that I’m absolutely certain I’m villagers, tbh.

so I tried to make a towncore and found out that im not a very nice person

I don’t have enough people to actually make one of these



and like 2/3 are self resolving in some way or something

however I do want to make a towncore now, but I have a tendency to take nulls as scum

so we’re all scum because I don’t have enough of not scum

well im going to try again anyway

EVO could be scum. I think we should get a wagon on him and see what happens.

/unvote Mode
/vote EVO

im not wagoning a 0 poster just yet, even if he has shown thread activity with likes

My top scum reads in this game are cheese, EVO and 意大利.
I don’t like their lack of participation so far in D1 chat. It’s almost as though they don’t want to stand out.

you can’t tell me you are certain 17 people are villagers

I agree with Richard there.

意大利 is very obvious town wtf are y’all on

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Disagree on Yitali.

Also Darth is kind of iffy, tbh. Only content I’ve gotten so far from them is basically them parking a vanity wagon on me because of him trying to diversify wagons… thinking there’s a fair chance this is just posturing.

PKR/Alice/Chloe/Ici/Vader maybe

When im just skimming and not actually analyzing the posts I don’t organize thoughts in my head very well

I don’t know what Centuries and Leafia and Hippo have been saying because I don’t catch them and think em through


im going to be looking over this d1 again probably and I don’t want to

In what way is he obvious town? I don’t see it right now.