[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Based on social read Vul is pretty much consensus read as town. Actually not quite true, L1ght has their doubts on Vul.

That’s not threadspewed that’s other ppl reading them as town lol.

No I guess not. As Vul isn’t unanimously read as town.

Even if he was that doesn’t mean hes spewed town

Still Vul is one of my town reads.

Ici is firmly in my null pile and not sure how he got into that group of 4 guys wanna lead.

I mostly agree with poe tho


Hi Sulit. Who are your top town reads so far?

Probably you, Yidali, Ginger, and PKR.

Like, if the wolves tried to push an execute on Chloe then it’d look horribly bad for them.

I don’t think the VCA here is conclusive.

It’s still a start no? I’d be looking at anyone who isn’t town lean/read and didn’t vote to pardon Chloe.

Also re-reading Seth makes me think his tunnel on CRich is probably fake.

Like, after talking about the scum slip he pretty much completely ignores CRich. I don’t think he actually believed the scumslip and only made that post so people would TR him.

Kyo’s kinda worrying me hasn’t done much of anything since the Ici_Argument


This is effectively my strongest SRs RN.

I’m kind of suspicious regarding App/Hippo’s vote on Seth as well as they seem to be the more likely bussers, especially App.

Idk, I don’t really see the Seth thing.

I’d rather go Italy/Cloned/Leafia

Why do you scumread EVO?

Entire readlist here has the same problems as ToS2.

It’s basically a bunch of nulls and lack of conclusions despite the game already having 2k+ posts and the reasons for TRs look pretty weak and there’s only blanket meta reasons for CRich and Kyo.

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EVO didn’t vote pardon on Chloe. His playstyle reminds me of when he was scum in ToS 2. I think this is happening in this game too.

Like, take a look at Seth’s previous games such as in NUF where he sincerely believed cloned was a wolf.

Here he isn’t really showing any believe in his scumreads. Like, take a look at how he’s treated CRich after the scumslip post, he completely ignored him.

A lot of people didn’t vote pardon because they were not online.

Which is true including myself. Yet when combined with other pieces of evidence such as his scum meta, then that needs to be scrutinised more.