[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

As I trust you allot.
I want to maintain focus on Town Reads then by PoE I will be left with the scum team.

modeshifter does not dispute being scum
which means modeshifter know they scum and maybe ita specialist too
dybudabu guess exact role pm
dybudabu knows future

well there are a few ways to find mafia or town

some people act different as mafia and town

so you can try to find them based on how they’ve acted as mafia or town before, or if the things they are doing this game are more likely to come from mafia than town

I’m not scum.
I’d like to prove to you I’m not if I can.

mode flips town like 50% of the time tbh

Real talk, though, I will re-read your ISO and possibly bury you unless I suddenly think you’re town. Give me some time.

Dabudybu game rigged vully is hiding behind nonsense
Dabudybu bad boy


can you stop trying to not be toxic? Don’t go overboard, but I want to see the side of you that i’m used to

I think the best way you can do it is by responding to my case. I’m going to build one on you in a moment.

I do not know people here?

But last time didnt seth shoot someone because of that attitude and lost

Means I can not find mafia?


There’s nothing wrong with his mode shift. If he’s a villager, we should be able to read him as such while he’s posting like this.

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Means you should look at your scum buddies names and share them to the group chat

Thank You.

How do I know scumbuddies?

Do you think people honestly want to Sheep someone who’s toxic?
That’s the talk I had with Auro and we agreed no one would want to Sheep me.

well no there are still other ways to find mafia

for example, mafia know what alignment everyone is. So if somebody seems like they know someone’s alignment but doesn’t act accordingly or give good reasons, they are likely to be mafia

Or if somebody tries to keep a lot of mafia alive, then they are probably mafia themselves. That way of finding mafia isn’t applicable d1 however because we don’t have anyone who’s died and is mafia.

I was telling him if everyone would have sheeped my Possessed/SogMan Scum Read Day 1 we would have won.
And he said that I should be not cocky or toxic and they will and I’d be dangerous Town.

ur gonna get lynched if you don’t

let’s be real