[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Get 1-2 pelts and you will also get townreads. Easy. And works as both aligments.

Also this doesn’t really work on this site as people here are dumb regarding bussing. A lot of people here don’t bother doing VCA, bus for no reason, or is just paranoid of bussers when they clearly don’t exist.

This is what I thought DybuDabu was trying to do.
Still pretty sure he’s DybuDabu as well.

You posted like 12 points of how to behave in this game.
(shoot into shotlists, behave townie ect. ect.)

Yes you do.

Re-read Anime FM, JJBA, and SFV and tell me this post isn’t needed.

terrible as in morally wrong

nto as in like bad but as in like bad-person

I was just trying not to be toxic

replace terrible with dickhead or douchebag and that’s what ii mena

What was his worst post that is causing him to get absolute turmoil?
If it was that one I just replied to I don’t see why it makes him a bad person
It just makes him a person who happens to use morally wrong tactics

I mean it is needed.

But can be as well worder as “Don’t be hero / idiots” with much less effort put into form over substance.

I’ve admitted already what I did in the JJBA game…
Can we please move past speaking about it now?

I wanted to hammer that message in. We’ve been talking about not hero shooting for well over a month and people are still doing it.


eevee be honest are you just trying to tilt me

Like, SFV had a game-winning PoE.

We lost because we ended up with three hero shots for no damn reason.

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if yo uare please please don’t

I know it might help solve my alignmnent but I really really don’t need this right now

Marshal, it’s a game of mafia and you tell me that you didn’t expect someone to lie.
Do you know how many times you lied / fpsed in mafia games? A lot.

Not expecting someone to lie in mafia game is close minded.
And tbh… scummy.


i don’t want to get yelly please eevee

I haven’t met someone that awful before

and I did not expect it. It did not cross my mind

I saw a slight possibility of coaching when they did that derps vote but didn’t point it out because it wasn’t at the top of my mind

Now for him to reveal himself also as DybuDabu and the reason he knew Derps was evil was because he does actually have some sense in FM.

i totally didnt sleep for 10 hours lol
couldnt be me

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Marsh, please chill. It’s ok.
I don’t want anyone to be put in timeout by the hosts because we need all hands on deck.
Go away from the thread until like 10 to and relax

so if you think i’m scum for not expecting someone to fake a language barrier and fake being new and all of that then fucking lynh me

But why