[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

im at 2569 and about to read up

i’d like to form my own opinions on shit but uhh
im here if yall need me

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But everyone else caught up to this.
Everyone except you.

So while not expecting this is true, I think it’s exactly the part which is scummy.
You didn’t expect them to lie.
Mafia usually don’t expect town to lie much, since it’s mafia who is meant to be evil.

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wait why the heck is eevee here am i in the right game

/vote chloe

Replaced in for the 意大利 guy

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you are purposefully tiling me aren’t you

shame on you

I consider my mental health more important than the game and honestly the fact that you are doing this is so fucking disheartening


eevee is ATE immune, sorry.

Calm explanation will work better for you.

thanks bruv

I replaced in.

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If it is real Marshal the problem with mafia is that AtE exists
eevee believes it’s fake

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I reckon chloe’s scum


let me explain this calmly

faking a language barrier, and not understanding the game, is, simply, something only a terrible person would do. And accusing people of being an alt was specifically asked to not happen, so I took it away from my mind anyways.

I found the chance that someone is a scummy, as in like actually terrible, person, to be so very unlikely that I decided to read the slot like a normal person. And accusing the person as fake would also not really be nice from me. It would be a dick move

I guess I had too much faith in humanity but I genuinely like the people on this site and my trust was broken

Git gud brobama

now if you think that I, as town, should have anticipated this, then you are not attacking my alignment but my morals instead

if this is about yidaly i can promise they didn’t fake a language barrier and are not an alt

back to readin’

Okay Marshal, you say you didn’t expect people to fake being new to game.


Were you exporting that Yidali is fake newbie before they posted the post in question?

I mean not really, it’s something somebody who would want to win would do
Sure he used a disheartening strategy that I also disagree with
But he just got universally townread for it
Also fyi @eevee is never mafia here because he revealed, he could’ve just stayed hidden until end of game

they literally did

they like actually did

they ddid?
