[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

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He literally had no agenda behind his posts and it’s why I’m reading Eevee from scratch now.

well then yet again it’s people literally attacking me personally and not alignment wise

if you think i’d lie about that it’s literally an attack on me

If that was his intention he’d do it after the game

Marshall how do u have a crown in ur pfp

I did patreon so we can have off-topic

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Crap, crap and even more crap tbh. Or rather classic ToL game - everyone did whatever they want without clear leadership or roles division between players.

Oh and I would seriously just vote to execute Chloe back during trial.

I thought that, but he didn’t really seem to be that invested in the game to finish it to the end.

Attack on you? Bullshit. lmfao. That is not personal at all. I am saying this play for you as mafia not leaving thread would be optimal.
I do not believe your AtE.

and if you think i’d fake the AtE

it is a personal attack

My slot is already an ass.

And tbh I doubt I can beat Yidaly, so… /shrug

the problem is I can’t block moderators so If i want to read thread I have to see your posts

I’m just going to not interact with this thread, considering its’ state right now. If I think of a Galaxy Brain™ (read: wrong) take I’ll post it.

Me believing that you’re faking AtE to have an advantage in the game is not a personal attack.
It’s a mafia strategy. Wtf


May I have your thoughts on EVO’s emotional reaction?

Eevee what’s ur read on me

but im telling you right now I wouldn’t not in the way I have

im genuinely upset right now and you being all like “oh ur a liar” is only serving to fuel that

so yes, you calling me a liar is a personal attack because you are trivializing that

and i’m trying my best to keep it together but im already upset that this has leaked into the game

You’d say this if you were lying.

If you aren’t lying, I apologise. If everyone managed to AtE and not get lynched then everyone would be doing it and the wolves would always get away with it.

I mean, if my slot had a team it would be even more of an ass move.
And maybe they would convicne them to stay, maybe not.
Maybe he would stay longer to see how they function when they play mafia.

Idk, hard to tell how my previous slotholder would behave if they were mafia.

I get Kyo’s point.
Mostly cause it’s true from my PoV :^)