[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

there are thoughts

I wont ask you to read it, if you want my thoughts on a specific post its there though, and ill direct you as to where in there

Masons are top priorities for the wolves and public mason claims don’t live long.

Lynch them if they end up surviving for too long.

tf is a mason? Is it like a miller?

im still learning what the hell is going on

they share a nightchat and know each other are confirmed town

We always kill Derps over Ob.

This is how to handle green checks from wolfy players.


masons are people who share a private chat and know that everyone in that chat is town

what if you wanted to catch up
but people kept posting wallposts that are bigger than the page

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well that’s what they were in one night ultimate werewolf anyway

Oh, okay. So like the exact opposite of a miller cool

Jut be the ToS 2 Seth and not this fake Seth and you might not get all these votes.

I am not saying that Marshal is or isn’t scum based on this, but I agree that faking language barriers is a scummy thing and something I would never expect on this site.

My whole playstyle is all gut vibes and no notes. I actually don’t take many notes these days, it’s all my gut.

well… no

godfather (mafia that shows as town to cops) is the opposite of a miller.


your not forced to read it though, its not like an organized ISO on someone

but if you want to look more into my slot then read it

Whatever close enough

Although that sounds like… the opposite of something you’d wanna point out imo

Ideal miller play is to claim d1, otherwise you’ll be ML’d if you get copped without claiming.

Ive decided everyoNe Needs tO stop ClEarly softiNg Their roles beCause tHink It it is reaLly sneaky but its actually increDibly obvious and a waste of time.


anyway time to disappear again

im going to do this a lot

but I still want to get my opinions out there

but ill try to be more selective with my quoting so it doesn’t end up that long again

originally I thought you tried to spell “nonce” which would have been much funnier


Damn it wouldve been