[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I can help allot with the ITA’s and I’ll explain everything Day 2.
I promise.

/vote clonedcheese @DatBird

This has the highest chance of actually gaining traction as a counterwagon, judging by the threadstate, and I really want to get a proper counterwagon going. A lynch where everybody piles on one player doesn’t really help anyone wagonomics-wise, especially if the target flips town.

And there are people who I would vote over EVO. Frankly I would still prefer ModeShifter or Leafia, but I don’t think I can convince enough people at this point.

I mean the fact Cloned considers you to be scum makes me want to vote there.

If even during Day 1 we’re relying on mech confirms then nothing good is to come, I’m just going to follow Vulgard because our lines of thinking are fairly similar.

/vote clonedcheese @DatBird

You know what.
Tbh I think ClonedCheese wouldn’t be a bad lynch for today and I or someone else could always just ITA EVO.

/Vote ClonedCheese

I’m moving my vote because I believe the best thing to do here is CFD onto someone else.
I agree with what the others were saying about how the EVO wagon is looking.
So I think the best way to show my ground is to vote ClonedCheese.
I’m leaving my counter wagon.
Making EVO lose number amount making it more possible for me to be the lynch.
I’m aware of that but I’m taking the initiative here to lynch ClonedCheese instead as I believe it to be a better and more safer option.

How are this posts 4003 and 4005.

Where tf is post 4004. :thinking:

Error 4004: Post Not Found

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Does this mystery intrigue you?

this is post 4004

wait what now it says that’s 4007

eh I don’t really give a fuck

wagon shit is happening

@DatBird vc plz


Tin Tin and the Quest for the Hidden Poster

post 4006 is gone too

Will the mystery ever be unraveled?
Find out now! In theatres near you!
I think I’ll watch that one!

And the mystery person is Dybu Dabu a Mystery.

Hello Chloe. What are your thoughts on cheese’s wagon?

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could I interest you…

in a italy wagon?

At this point, I’m fine with cheese’s wagon forming. My lynch targets were either going to be cheese or EVO for D1.

where tf is Chloe

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What are yours Richard?