[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

@SirDerpsAlot I’ll invite you to my scumchat, we can be honorary masons <3

was not shitty

I invited a town to my scumchat once

very shitty and your conclusions are shitty


oB Light Fair enough. You look a bit more townish to me at the moment.

Like, I still think Derps is a villager here. He’s… how would I put it? Less bullshit-y and more agenda-y as a wolf.

What he’s doing makes no sense whatsoever if he’s a wolf.

internal screaming

Im like the opposite of agenda-y as a wolf

you are scumreading cloned on the assumption that he tried to anticlaim you here

when you don’t know how the anticlaim works and when there are better targets anyways

Also this makes oblight look terrible as it looked like he had TMI the check was fake, though.

I mean I also think his tone is poopoo

yeah he’s on my shot list for sure

No light is just town read hell in a cell is mafia game is utter garbage

I said why I thought it was fake like seven times but okay. TMI. Yes.

he kept pleading that you don’t focus on the check because he knew it would be redacted at some point

which in a W oB_Light world makes derps look better

but oblight isnt W so pog

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I see Alice has come round to my thinking on Derps. I put him as a town lean as well.

Come to my scumchat, join the dark side.

It’s simple, and logical. An ability claim in a game where it’s public info that claiming real abilities activates anticlaim was just bullshit. And… now we’re here! Right where I didn’t want to be. Being scumread for someone else FPSing.