[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Provide me a readlist?

Sure, although, like I’ve said multiple times, I almost entirely agree with yours.

Hey L1ght. If you had only one choice on who to lynch today, who would it be?

Adapted from Alice's list into more personal reads. Note: Last 5 townreads are not in any particular order, they're not really high town, but I'm just not seeing them as scummy.

Here’s where I’m at.

Townleans - In order from greatest to least

  • Alice
  • SDA
  • Sulit
  • PKR
  • Icibalus
  • Marshal
  • Hippoyeetus
  • KyoDaz
  • Italy
  • TheBlueElixir
  • an_gorta_pratai
  • Evil_Ginger
  • Crichard

Slight scumleans - Not in any particular order

  • Eevee
  • Darth_Vader
  • Apprentice
  • Centuries
  • Vulgard

Scumleans depending on whether they self-resolve or not

  • Chloe
  • Leafia

Scumleans - Not in any particular order

  • ClonedCheese
  • ModeShifter
  • EVO

IMO, Leafia seems like scum, but I’m giving them the chance to self-resolve first. Today, that leaves it between Seth and EVO. I wouldn’t really mind either one, but EVO’s lack of content/defense takes precedence over Seth being weird, as Seth might actually have a reason.

Did you notice Seth tunnel reading me hard by chance?

I did, but then he just gave up out of the blue without a resolution.

Well yes that is interesting. Seth usually locks onto someone and doesn’t let go. Perhaps he has second thoughts on me now?

Not a clue. I just said that’s why I’m not voting him.

It’s a possibility that should be considered I think.

I’m getting whiplash looking at Seth. He wasn’t pushy at the start, then he decides to tunnel on me hard and now he isn’t pushing on me so much. I’m not sure what to make of this.

I’d like the reasoning behind them, tbh.

…I’m feeling uneasy at everyone but Darth TR’ing me and going along my readlist.

Ya know what

fuck it
im staying on Seth - hes my highest scumread at the present

I don’t care for gold
gold can eat my ass

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If it comes down to us needing someone on one person over the other, I can be swayed to vote cheese.

I stated this earlier, but his hard-defending of me when I was purposely acting anti-town almost seemed like TMI. The only reason I’m not pushing it hella hard is because I feel biased. Idk what the opposite of OMGUS is but like, that’s probably what im using here

As for the EVO wagon, I agree that hes not acting particularly pro-town, but I do distinctly remember his AtE in FoL 27 being very very similar. I don’t want to simply use (pardon the m word, Alice) meta to read this slot - so if I ignored past games, yes, he isnt playing townie, but I still would put him behind cheese and Seth in order

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Join the Cheese Wagon.

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And this was just 1h or 5-ish posts ago.

Sadly unlynchable because mechs > play ^^