[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

no im sheeping apprentice a little on that read

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You think Evil_Ginger is town?

Question: What platform do you play on, and what are you ranked at?

EVO, taking on the assumption your lynched, what would your ideal tomorrow look like?

I want the ones that backed out on my vote to be scrutinized tbh

How else do you read people? Collectively?

Damn, I only think one person is sketchy, but whatever. Group A is scum thanks to Person 1. Boom bye scum

Yeet I’m back. Got a bit to read and catch up, ping me if you have any questions

meaning, any that look like they just dont want to be on the end wagon when i flip

Can relate

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Kyo’s vote on you has been spiritual, Leafia changed votes, Mode(I think?) changed votes, Cent changed votes(I think?)

Is this like how Marshal and I only live like half an hour away from each other?

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not sure I like EVO just giving up while on the chopping block - I had 2 (3? not sure) scum games with them so far and this was a common occurence

maybe it’s NAI, maybe it’s not
I don’t know this slot that well

what’s a publix

Also, I want more pressure on our towncore. Specifically Marshal and/or Vulgard. I don’t really have a strong foundation of reasoning for this, so take it with a grain of salt, but I feel like between the two of those ‘masons’ something is off

I was groupscum exactly once and i was quicklynched before i got off work

How am I not? It’s still D1. I’m dumb. I got to have things spoonfed to me before I can make a rational decision.

Calling it a night here due to the late time, so good night everyone. I’m definite;ly looking forward to seeing how this develops too.



Good night, Johnny Bravo

bleh. The reasoning isn’t there, its acknowledged its not there, and cloned tried to put it there, all the while I agree but at the same time acknowledge that until we have a flip it aint happening

also if anyone ITAs then they are free spirits to get gunned down on

so the only way to kill them is a lynch or a vig

and itll take quite the argument to lynch them

but I mean flips would help, if they are scum

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Reads like this looks like W/W or T/T etc etc