[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

i don’t
and id like to show that through my votes
i sense that people would not like it very much
something along the lines of “he’s still valuable if he’s a deepwolf because he talks”
which i don’t disagree with

you had a lot of people TR you there it seemed? strange to be grand trialed and turn from scumleaned to townread in that process, but I see what you mean, you upped your engagement quite a bit

Sooner or later, everyone will be going back to their previous avatars. King Bradley and Riza Hawkeye anyone?

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I was purposely acting very anti-town and defensive, as well as shifty in my reads

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whomst the fuck


Imma stick with Dudbear for now

My old pfp and vul’s old pfp


yeahh, no, no thanks on that one

I was reading cheese as scum for most of D1. Yet something makes me think that I was wrong in reading cheese as scum.

Can you clarify on this, please? I’d rather not jump to bygone conclusions.

I did that in FoL 27 so yeah i get it. What do you think about An_Gorta?

this is not an uncommon occurence
I think i was scumread d1 in litterally every single game on this site

The way it seems to be going is that we’re giving her the night to self-resolve or die.

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Meta read

seems like the case for a few people :eyes:


There have been a fuckin ass-ton of self resolving claims today

I’m the only one i know is real
And i’ve had softs and progression to go along with it

I didnt claim it out of nowhere

But not believeing is understandable considering the sheer amount of people who apparently have important and confirmable roles

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Uhh, not that part of the sentence…

Only two people, I believe. Chloe and Leafia, afaik.


Welcome to my world Cheese.