[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!


Voted Votee Votes
ModeShifter Chloe, Icibalus, TheBlueElixir, Centuries, EVO, Hippoyeetus, Vulgard, Evil_Ginger 8/13
ClonedCheese SirDerpsAlot, ModeShifter 2/13
EVO PokemonKidRyan, Marshal, an_gorta_pratai, Alice, CRichard564, Sulit 6/13
Marshal Eevee 1/13
No Lynch ClonedCheese 1/13
Not Voting KyoDaz, Darth_Vader, Italy, Leafia, Apprentice, oB_L1ght 6

i dont think there was a vote change ping me for mistakes. For my Sanity make sure to ping me on votes. Also good morning

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you dont have to read these, but i encourage

  1. if I respond to you look at it
  2. if something controversial happened look at it
  3. if your ISOing me read these

trying to look neutral as town isn’t exactly helpful

and also with ITAs being a thing I wouldn’t mind shooting Italy, though id probably have a wallpost proceed all my shots

nice job EVO

really? I was thinking the other way around. Ive stated that earlier, though when I say earlier I mean before EVO/Hippo/Vul voted Mode, though I still like it.

however, how did the cheese wagon…just disappear so quickly? and how did the mode wagon just…pick up, and become the main wagon instead of the CW?

but I disagree

consensus is a bit too strong here

also this is slightly agenda-y depending on EVO’s flip

what about Marshal? I probably missed it didnt I

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What’s vc

idk not like it was posted two minutes ago :roll_eyes:

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I don’t wanna scroll up

8 seth

6 evo

I see

I dont think any non-voters have shown up in the last 6ish hours - was hoping a few of them would actually do something

I’d be fine on mode wagon

Wagon has quite a few slots I don’t like, and EVO wagon is probably all pure, but it could flip scum

so we have less then an hour and a half before EoD

currently, that CW I wanted to be a thing now has majority of the votes(yeah, I know Im not the first voter)

EVO seemed like the dedicated lynch for majority of the day, so its odd to see that wagon simmer

The Italy wagon disappeared, dont know what to think of that since it was only ever 2 votes

The Cheese wagon though, its interesting how fast it disappeared when Alice told people to stop voting em. Guess it reinforces Alice as (the only) consensus towncore and I guess people weren’t scumreading cloned as hard as I thought they were?

Good morning fools. I’ve gotta catch up, but what’s the VC at right now?

look up

also, place a vote please

I 100% am placing a vote lmao, also thanks. Gonna catch up and ISO top wagons again

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Is it time for the bang?

I think it is time for the bang.


Good Bang I approve

Could you go through the people on EVO’s wagon and explain why you like those slots?


It’s Italy. I don’t think anything he’s doing is NAI as he doesn’t do anything d1 regardless of his alignment. PoE-wise he’s still in my shot list as he’s not villagery.

The cheese wagon was extremely sketchy. A lot of votes on him were done in a wolfy manner and much of the PoE were in there. After Hippo and I highlighted it people just skittered off it except Derps.



if he doesn’t become towny then he’s a fine shot

I’d shoot nulls

I dont exactly remember who was on that wagon, but I remember was how quickly it picked up steam and then how quickly it lost it