I’m sorry EVO, but I prefer your wagon composition over Seth’s (As it’s likely pure, as Marshal actually sumrised well for me)
Also you’re lower on my reads list than him…
And well, he’s not here to question and you’ve not gone up on it at all so I really feel at an impasse but that you’re a better vote.
You tempt me so. I don’t usually get so angry at someone that I want them, as a person, to hurt, but your attitude and ignorance to your own flaws in logic irks me so much.
Most of this I’ve already said to some extent but summary on top wagons:
Mode - Bad entrance and even worse response to me voting him in RVS. Progression on CRich he felt like he was in his town meta, but follow through on that was weak. Recent posting is pretty meh idk if I should take him obviously softing the arena entry as townie.
EVO - Reads have felt very vanilla and bland. I don’t feel like I’ve gotten anything after going through them. Emotional responses have been quite NAI. I hate using TMI as a reason since it gets misconstrued so often, but does feel TMI recently.