[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

oh what
does this still apply if you are dead?

rich people step up so i can mug you for an alignment

zero clue but i’d prefer to be alive

BlueElixir’s reads feel disjointed and not like something a human being could believe- like they’re simultaneously a mix of advanced and basic techniques that make no sense put together that feel like they’ve been coached through in wolfchat.

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Yeah if Hippo has done anything townie by now it’s definetly the CFD


What fucker Invited me to a secret auction

Italy you can have my total of 500 gold at this point

Fuck i dont wanna use meta but TBE is sketch

There is almost nothing else it could be except Vantage.

i need 5000

also since it’s 5000 total per faction i can create PoEs based on math and donation


Just putting that here, he’s like EVO 2.0 if you vote him

Interesting how Cloned’s vote puts EVO to rand with somebody who’s redchecked.
But it’s also equally interesting that plenty of people on the shotlist didn’t vote. If wagons were v/w, wouldn’t they try to bury EVO?

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Then why tf would I risk my life on someone that’s going to be killed today anyway?
Also wtf are the ITA chances?

BlueElixir isn’t as new to be coached through wolfchat imo. He’s shown extreme potential in previous games.


They were not behaving townie.
They were asking for permission to shot so the blame wont fall on them.
They were very self aware.

I shoot people who look like they are evil.

I can buy the neutral claim tho.

But they obviously weren’t town, so why would I care about you permiting me or not to shoot?

i need 100% town and very rich people so i can mug them

Okay so can we ignore the damn Neut claim for a sec and try to remember what we learned from Lying Darkness?

Its possible that Italy fucks us all over and wins if he gets the gold
I’m not saying this for sure I’m just saying that i thought we learned our lesson by trusting outted Neuts

You wouldn’t, because I don’t think you’re a wolf-I just think you’re not a very good Cop.

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