[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Did anyone else get invited to an auction of some shit

This is a good point.

Still wanna see mode dead and go from there though.

If you had done it yesterday I had the money.
But well, I said what I said yesterday and all that.
Just to dissuade scum from Night Killing me.

i autoside by day 4 if you’re really that paranoid

I got invite too.

Is your ability useful?
Mine is medicore tbh.

No but its proly a trap like always lol

Mine is usefull if I’m scum

well they seemingly weren’t scum here

and generally shooting scum is like… a good idea

neutaly isnt’ a threat

which is exactly my point
he has an extremely solid grasp of the basics of the game but struggles to produce pro wolf reads
like his reads feel like they were workshopped in wolfchat to me
it’s not conclusive but it puts him on the shotlist for sure

Italy claimed?
Did I miss that from the refreshing thing, if so can you quote it?

But legit throwing it town

stop fucking claiming/rolefishing

i’m a threat if i become scum :eyes:

Wait did italy claim neutral?

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Exactly my reaction.

Once modes dead we may aswell slaughter italy if he claimed neutral.


It’s about the ability we can bid for

Italy has claimed the taxer that robbed Marshal of his 420 gold.

I have a migraine too. I think I’m becoming one with Chloe.
Gonna come back into the thread later and probably fire my shot.

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italy claims neut who sides with whatever fac gives him 5000 gold first or whichever fac gave him the most b4 gen 4