[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

i’ll have you know marshal consented to all 3

Shotlist. Who hasn’t shot yet?
I want for everyone to leave the f*** alone from those people so they can make shoot people on their own and not biased.

Speaking of which, why are we upping Seth again?

again, one shot ita immunity
you’d be wasting quite a lot of itas trying to hit me twice
town don’t have the time to lynch me

In a closed setup that claims to have bastard mechanics

Why the fuck trust a neut claim

my opinion on whether I want Italy dead is entirely dependent on how much I believe his neut claim

Because Seth is evil. 100%

pkr claims redcheck
he’s doing lots of ita fuckery

Okay. I go away from thread for 20 minuets and I already see mysefl on shot lists again.



he is out of his town meta, was the counterwagon to a mislynch, and has a claimed redcheck on him

Wanting a neutral dead is wolfing? How does a wolf benefit from killing a neutral over a villager?

You shot a person outside of our shot list with no permission. Of course you’re going to be on my shot list. Shoot me for it, I don’t care.

Half the players I’ve scumread this game either OMGUS me or want to shoot me. Either I’m correct AF or I’m aggressively tunneling villagers.

absolutely the fuck not

that is the opposite of what we need to do

you read anime FM
hero shots lose games

I believe his neut claim but not his wincon and 5000 gold shit

I think its sightly different from what hes saying

He might just need 4000 gold to win

half the people who shot him were returned an ITA (included me) but couldn’t fire until modeshifter shot again, because he also got an extra ITA

also he got hit and didn’t die

kinda think that Zone doesn’t ask that if he’s W/W with Seth (presumably the redcheck has been discussed in scumchat regardless of PKR’s alignment)

it’s a thin read but it’s there

I think your tone is really weird. I wouldn’t shoot you before the others on the list, though.
There’s also a different element to it which I won’t share.

SF5 i think you mean

if italy has killpower im dead tonight for not helping him

even if i did i’d be too busy writing mail to extort people

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without stating what exactly you did to confirm yourself, why did you choose Apprentice as your target for who to confirm yourself on?

arete locktown ngl

was about to do this