[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

What was the reasoning for shooting Italy?

I shoulda kept my ITA to myself

at least I didn’t shoot a townie I guess

neut claim so must be bad of course

don’t listen to marshal or logic

listen to the other, much wolfier neut claim!


Would’ve liked Zone to be dead but that’s okay aswell

I am.

ive went through who I should shoot a few times

I wasn’t sure

nobody objected to me making the noot not death immune

what are the odds the 5% chance triggered there

I forgot about it

You still didn’t explain to me how my role makes any sense as scum.

I don’t believe you

I mean I’m not that against the shot just on the basis that I thought he was lying about his wincondition and taking advantage of forum that notoriously sucks when it comes to trusting neutrals

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it wasn’t on that basis but ok

I don’t even necessarily think you’re a wolf

but I definitely don’t think you’re telling the truth here

Unless the neutral in question is siding evil, I’m a neutrals in player.

I already told y’all exactly how his plays made sense from his specific perspective

@Italy I will fuck these nerds up for u

that shot was bullshit and the stuff leading up to it was bullshit

Two people are confirming auctions.

Sorry Arete, it’s not just me here.

We don’t necessarily have a good track record

Strigboi and Senex
Neutral Fruit Vendor
Lying Darkness

Sorry for not trusting a neut claim I guess? :upside_down_face:

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Not play.


You deflected my question for 3rd time right now.

he wasn’t siding evil.


I put a FUCKING INVESTMENT in that would have gotten town an extra player and y’all threw reasoning out of the window to shoot it

fuck that

was fruit vendor on this site actually?

you don’t have anything to apologize for

I just unloaded on some neutral that was about to become town

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yes it was

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